Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Remember Who You Are and Let your Light Shine

When I was growing up I used to always wonder about life. I used to wonder what was the purpose of life, when everyday different news stories would come across the television news, or the newspapers with so many unexplainable events. And most of the events were always about tragedies, deaths, disease..... and not too much joy. It hasn't changed much and seems to be increasing.

I have a little card that was given to my graduating yoga teacher training class with a title - Always remember who you are, & why you are here. That is a little challenging as we get caught up in everyday life. After reading the card I was reminded of my mom singing to me when I was little, 'This Little Light of Mine'. The words were:

This little light o' mine, I'm gonna let it shine,
This little light o' mine, I'm gonna let it shine,
This little light o' mine, I'm gonna let it shine,
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.

So I am finding that yogic process of practicing asanas, meditating and chanting enables me to live my life more fully and with more conscious awareness to let that light shine. And that the purpose of life is to remember that we are that shining Light at all times.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Realizations From A Snow Storm 2010

On Friday, February 5, 2010 I had the most intense lesson on driving in a snow storm. Thank God I had my son to assist me to see the road. We were driving back to New York City from Maryland when the snow storm was in progress. The snow had started to accumulate and it was dusk by the time we hit route 695 to get to route 95 North. I figured I would stick to the main road of 95 North. It was about 6 pm. I had to drive now with the headlights on. If anybody has driven this route you know that there is a lot of highway with no lights.

It's not as if I have never driven in the snow before. I'm used to driving in the city with lights on the road. This was a long drive to New York City with lots of road and no lights. The snow was blowing at the windshield. I discovered how mesmerizing the pattern of snow was while driving in the dark. There was not a lot of traffic on the roads and sure were not cleared or salted prior.

It became frightening to turn on the high beams as it was a definite no-no in that it made it even worse to see anything. The snow pattern that was highlighted by the headlights almost made me feel like I was hallucinating. I could not see the road. At one point it was like driving into an abyss. I had to make myself breathe as I was clutching the steering wheel for dare life. I had to force myself to look past the mesmerizing snow in front of me. I had to look to the periphery to not get sucked into that dancing snow maze directly in my vision. I HAD TO BE FULLY PRESENT, IN THE MOMENT! I could not even think of taking one hand off the wheel to even take a sip of water. No music, no distraction! It became increasingly apparent that I needed to be not too far from any cars ahead of me, that was shedding their red tail lights to get a sense of the road and where I was going. Then there would be some bigger vehicles flying by blinding me even more that the snow. I would be so grateful when I came to an area that had big lights much higher above the highway to deflect some of the snow maze in front of me. It was a little release of the tension to stay present.

I felt myself really panic and part of me wanted to give up because it was getting so tiring not to relax from being so present. I also saw that I could not entertain the thought that I could not do this, or that we would have an accident. My son said he was driving with me, even though he wasn't at the steering wheel. At one of the most treacherous points of the drive, he commented that it was like being in a space ship, because we couldn't see the ground or the sides at all. That was a real "scary" feeling. He also suggested that I turn off the headlights and just use the yellow parking lights to see the lines in the road that the snow had covered up. It worked! I could actually see better without the glaring headlights against the snow. Then after awhile, I would turn on the regular headlights to see. He commented to just relax into the situation. I teach yoga, so I took the tool to breathe consciously as "I" navigated through this unknown terrain. I saw after awhile that I was not as tense when we came to the real dark areas as I knew I had to shift how I was "seeing".

It was ironic that though I could not see the road, this experience made me see so many analogies of the situation in a new light. Like the "menacing" snow maze was like all the obstacles that come to us in life as we travel down an unknown path. Do we get caught up in it or do we persevere to continue though the obstacle or our fear to get to the other side? We might even get so tired that we don't care to go on, regardless of the consequences. Are we able to be open enough to take chances of using new techniques to be able to navigate through the intense experiences - like turning off the headlights and just using the parking lights?

Then to top it off, I had to drive below the regular speed to drive safely. After it seemed forever to drive out of Maryland through Delaware to the New Jersey Turnpike, the road seemed even worse. One lane. Sometimes attempting to pass the salt truck and not get pelted or blinded. Finally, somewhere between exit 3 and 4 (the exit numbers rising to get to the George Washington Bridge going to New York City) the snow lightened up. My son called someone in NYC to find out there was no snow there!!! Finally I was driving with no snow or rain. It was such an amazing difference and relief!

Nearing the end of the trip I started to get sleepy. I prayed to stay awake, which I did. I saw how that state of alertness for the majority of the drive kept me alert! It was great to cross that bridge and get home to our respective places. It could have been a life or death situation. I give PRAISES and THANKS to the Divine Creator, to Mother Nature in the form of the snow and my son to keep me to be determined to stay present.

Related posts:

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Seeing The Bigger Picture!

Just like using a camera and distance the lens from our object to be photographed, in the same way by pulling back in our minds on the thoughts we have we can actually see the bigger picture!

I was recently looking at a DVD entitled BARAKA - A World Beyond Words - photographed in 70MM in 24 Countries. The first sentence on the back of the DVD cover states - BARAKA, an ancient Sufi word with forms in many languages, translates as a blessing, or as the breath or essence of life form which the evolutionary process unfolds.

Another part of the description on the back of the DVD cover stated the following : “Baraka captures not only the harmony, but also the calamity that humans and nature have visited upon the earth. It made me realize and reminded me of the glimpses I’have been getting not to get caught up in all the little things, of disagreements that people get into. That this too, this life will pass. We are only living in these temporary vessels of bodies. It is evident every day . We see the most recent news of what has happened in Haiti’s earthquake of 2010 . A few years ago it was the Tsunami in Indonesia, on the other side of the world. We all have to merge back into the Absolute, to mass consciousness from whence we came. I am also reminded of the Yoga Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita.

Oddly enough, I am not devastated like other people are about Haiti. Now don't get me wrong about not being compassionate. It just makes me contemplate more the nature of life here on earth. Death is the exit on the human body plane - of course there is no death anyway - just transitioning as one door closes and another one opens. All of these events are for us 'living' human beings to learn from, deal with, become compassionate, etc. I was looking at the Baraka DVD and found it fascinating and thought provoking. There is no narration in the film, just viewing great scenery and events of life around the world. It makes one really think of life and death and the rhythm of the Divine Creator.

Check out a short video clip from Baraka -

In regard to the process of life and death, a friend of mine mentioned two songs by former Beatles' George Harrison in which I found the following links for the songs:

See related post - Abhinivesa - Fear of Death YS II- 9

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Through Children's Eyes

We just had the first snow in New York City last night 12/19/09. And before it came, all we heard from the weather people was about this big storm that is coming. A lot of stress is created as a result. I was in a store in the early afternoon and I heard an adult rushing a child to make up their mind on choosing a gift for someone because "it is starting to snow". As adults, the wonders of nature, or the elements apparently no longer hold that wonder. Today, Sunday 12/20/09, people are out digging out their cars, their sidewalks. The kids are just enjoying the snow. To them it is a wondrous event. They are delighted. They run and play in it. The slide in it and make snowmen. They enjoy the moment! If the adults can just take a moment and enjoy the silence and the beauty of it. It also helps us to see where we are physically as well a mentally.

The other day, I was spending time with my granddaughter. She wanted me to pick her up, holding on to her hands and swing her from side to side. It was just sheer fun and delight on her face. I was having a good time too swinging her. It made me happy to see that just this simple interaction is so enjoyable and in the present moment! Through children’s eyes it is really a gift and a wake up call to be free!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Eye Sight vs. Insight

It is noticed that when one gets older, one has to use eyeglasses to see more clearly to read, or even to see things in more perspective, like your skin, to put on eyeliner, to see the make-up, driving, etc. In other words, things looked at get a little blurry (from all the close-up narrow viewing one does).

When I had been taking the Bikram Yoga classes, where one is directed to look in the mirror at one’s body postures, I have noticed that the farther back I am, the less I see any “imperfections” my mind would pick up. I have realized that the blurry effect is really quite nice. It is aligned with nature in the fact that instead of focusing on the so called imperfection of the outer body, the focus is from within. Another realization that came to me is that the farther back one is (from the mirror), a bigger picture is seen and there is less tendency of getting stuck on the little stuff or only seeing one piece of the picture. It’s like as one lives more, the mundane things that seemed important, no longer are. What is important is to live fully in the moment and appreciate it fully.

Related post:

Thursday, December 10, 2009

More on Open To Receive

You know after I did the previous post on Open to Receive and listened to the video clip piece relating to Catherine Ponder on the subject, it triggered another realization upon awakening. That realization is that in order to stay open to receive, we need constant positive reinforcement on a daily basis. If not, it is so easy to slip back into the numb zone, or the closed zone, thus continuing the cycle of not changing and receiving our divine inheritance.

On that note, the following is a little more from Chapter One of Open Your Mind to Receive by Catherine Ponder OPEN YOUR MIND TO RECEIVE

Why should you deliberately open your mind to receive? Because most of us have endured a pinched, narrow existence for no good reason. We have blocked our good from getting through to us in the process. There's nothing divine about a pinched existence. There's nothing divine about a narrow, limited way of life. It proves nothing but the foolishness and ignorance of man who actually lives in a universe of lavish abundance. Anyone who leads a pinched, narrow existence is not expressing his true nature. He is only cheating himself.
If this has happened to you, there is something you can do about it!
The word "receive" means "to accept." Psychologists tell us that we can have anything we can mentally accept, but that we must mentally accept it first. A great part of the act of receiving is to accept the good you want mentally rather than fighting it mentally.

Giving is the first step in receiving....
When you want to receive, give!.....
See related post - Open To Receive

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Open To Receive

I'm sure that some of us are wondering why we don't have more in our lives. It could be more money, more love, more people, more whatever. Could it be that we are not open to receive? Could it be that we are constantly scrutinizing situations, people, motives. Even more paranoid?

The other day I was sharing some thoughts with a family member about a person that showed up in my life as always giving "things" to me. I have accepted "things" from others occasionally. These things I speak of are tokens of gratitude and appreciation on their part for what they have "learned" from me in class or in friendship. I saw myself ask why is this person giving me all this stuff? What are their alternative motives? So as I shared my thoughts, my family member just listened. And then Ta Da! I had an epiphany or light bulb moment. I finally got it that if I cannot accept these small gifts of gratitude from one person, how will I be able to accept greater gifts from the universe? "I" then saw this as a test or a wake up call to be grateful in the moment. That really helped to set "me" free!

As I am writing this post, I am also realizing that that is how the entire universe works! The sun shines on everyone and everything. The grass doesn't say I'm not going to accept the sunlight. The water doesn't say it is not going to flow. The flowers, trees and animals don't say why is the sun shining on me and what is the motive? Nature is always open to receive and so should we be. It is in the receiving that we also give the giver a chance to receive on their end as well. When we block the giver we might offend them as well as stunt both our growth as well as theirs in sharing and giving.

Enjoy the short reading that relates to this post.