On that note, the following is a little more from Chapter One of Open Your Mind to Receive by Catherine Ponder OPEN YOUR MIND TO RECEIVE
Why should you deliberately open your mind to receive? Because most of us have endured a pinched, narrow existence for no good reason. We have blocked our good from getting through to us in the process. There's nothing divine about a pinched existence. There's nothing divine about a narrow, limited way of life. It proves nothing but the foolishness and ignorance of man who actually lives in a universe of lavish abundance. Anyone who leads a pinched, narrow existence is not expressing his true nature. He is only cheating himself.
If this has happened to you, there is something you can do about it!
The word "receive" means "to accept." Psychologists tell us that we can have anything we can mentally accept, but that we must mentally accept it first. A great part of the act of receiving is to accept the good you want mentally rather than fighting it mentally.
Giving is the first step in receiving.... When you want to receive, give!.....
If this has happened to you, there is something you can do about it!
The word "receive" means "to accept." Psychologists tell us that we can have anything we can mentally accept, but that we must mentally accept it first. A great part of the act of receiving is to accept the good you want mentally rather than fighting it mentally.
Giving is the first step in receiving.... When you want to receive, give!.....
See related post - Open To Receive
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