This made me think about how I used to be uncomfortable about showing my legs because of some stretch lines on the skin. I didn't want to show them, so I would wear clothing to cover them up. From the perspective of the ego mind I would then appear to be like everyone else, or without blemish.
You might know by now that I am avid yoga practitioner. I recently did a 30 day challenge at a Bikram Yoga Center. Since the class is done at 105 degree temperature for ninety minutes, one doesn't tend to wear so much clothing and one would wear attire like going to the beach. So I wore shorts, revealing my legs. As I continued to do these classes, which I love, it didn't matter anymore about revealing my legs. My focus was on executing the postures. In fact, I noticed that if I did not put my attention, my focus, on my legs, I forgot about it and felt normal. I forgot about the preconceived concept of mine (my mind) or the ego mind that I should hide my legs.
Another example of focus and the mind is have you discovered that as the body ages and you bend upside down or lean forward that the flesh does too? I remembered the first time I saw this "I" was horrified. Yet I could still do all the things that I normally can do. So now I don't freak out about it as much anymore. I accept it and with this acceptance comes freedom as well as a change of focus. I am still able to use my body which is my vehicle and that is what really counts. And if other people don't like it, it does not matter.
Yoga is great as it helps one to appreciate the present moment right now. Instead of me "worrying" (and who is worrying), I continue to use the gift of today. After all I am not my vehicle and I should just take care of it so it can serve me as long as I am in it.
These experiences are making me become FREE and more my Self! After all it is all in my mind and no one else is focused on it than ME!
These examples definitely fits with the saying you are what you think or what you focus on! What are you focusing on today?
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True indeed! Focus determines everything about our experience.